Our commitments

At I Feel Wood, we believe that the quality of our products depends on a careful selection of the wood used. Therefore, we only use French wood from eco-managed and certified forests (PEFC or FSC).

Thanks to this, we are constantly striving to offer the most responsible and sustainable products that align with the values of our beautiful region!

A 100% production

"Made In Albertville" 📍

We are proud to be certified Savoie Mont Blanc Excellence.

This label guarantees that our entire manufacturing chain takes place in Savoie and, in our case, in Albertville.

Following a comprehensive internal audit involving 30 criteria and a review by the commission, we joined this dedicated community in September 2023.

The origin of our raw materials 🇫🇷

We are proud to work with eco-managed French forests to produce our products.

This sustainable forest management is certified regularly by the PEFC and FSC labels, requiring a comprehensive audit.

We carefully choose our suppliers, favoring local supply chains and local partners.

We are committed to the protection of biodiversity and the quality of soil.

Respect for environmental standards 🌳

We adhere to numerous environmental standards in order to ensure responsible and environmentally friendly production.

We employ eco-friendly production methods (such as just-in-time manufacturing) and are self-sufficient in terms of electricity consumption (thanks to solar panels installed on our workshop).

We are committed to producing less but of higher quality.

The respect of working conditions 👨🏻‍🔧

We are committed to respecting the working conditions of our employees.

We have implemented strict internal measures to ensure their safety and well-being at work.

In this regard, we categorically refuse to work with employees located outside of France with whom we cannot have a detailed overview and strict compliance with labor laws.

We are committed to healthier work.

Customer satisfaction at the heart of our work ⭐️

We always listen to our customers to better meet their needs and expectations.

We continuously offer quality products that meet the highest requirements of our customers while encouraging co-creation.

We are committed to accompany all our products with a unique little attention to make this artisanal experience perfect.

The word from the founder

At I Feel Wood, we are proud of our commitments to the environment, the quality of our products, and the respect for our employees.

We believe that we can act responsibly while offering quality products.

However, we are aware that we are not perfect (nobody is, in fact!) but we are constantly working to minimize the global impact of our activity!